I want to connect with more customers that want or need our services

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RJ Williams

We want to show any customer our specialized skills and knowledge of our products. www.testingsvcs.com


More than ever before, brands are recognizing the importance of connecting with their potential customers socially. Old-style outbound techniques--advertising and marketing that speaks only at the customer instead of with them--are continuing to lose efficacy. Not only are buyers excellent at tuning out brand messages and advertising they don't find engaging, there is mounting evidence that unwanted advertising can actually hurt how potential customers feel about a brand. Savvy brands are now beginning to understand that the best way to both connect with potential customers and build good will for the brand is to do something interesting and commendable. By creating content that helps people see how their purchase supports--or even better, includes them in--a vision of a better world, altruistic marketing offers more than just a sales pitch. It offers meaning and a moment of emotional fulfillment. As cause marketing becomes increasingly popular, I've taken note of the techniques that are propelling the most popular content forward:

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