Can Yoga be helpful in the weight reduction?

Mahadevan M S

Yes, Only if Yoga practices like Yogasana and Pranayama can improve the digestion capacity of the body which reduces excessive fat consumption of the body.


In order to lose body fat, you have to create a deficit of calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight, and one pound of fat is equivalent to about 3500 calories.

Yoga classes often endure for about 60-90 minutes. According to research done by the American Council on Exercise, the average individual burns about 3-6 calories per minute practicing yoga, which equates to a total of only 180-360 calories burned during that class.1 In contrast, a kettlebell workout burns about 13-17 calories per minute, which equals about 800 calories burned in an hour.2 That’s a significant difference in calorie expenditure.

While it depends on the type and intensity of the class– certain styles of yoga are much more rigorous such as power yoga, hot yoga, and vinyasa, whereas yin yoga, restorative, and hatha yoga are more gentle and slower-paced. 3 Regardless of the intensity of the yoga class, circuit training is still superior in terms of overall metabolic boost and calorie burn.

cool omar

The human muscular system is a phenomenal thing. What our muscles can do is fantastic. And this can be enhanced by strengthening them, but at the same time making them very flexible. If you do a lot of weights, your muscles will look big but without flexibility. If you see people who have grown big muscles, they cannot do a namaskar properly. They cannot even bend.

If you just want muscles that look good, these days there are easier ways to do it. You could get bicep implants. The silicon doesn’t go just into the breast, it goes into biceps, into calf muscles, into everything. It doesn’t matter that it is useless. You don’t have to work hard, take cortisones and hormones and go on pumping iron. There are easier ways, if it is just about looking good.

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