How i can improve my health?


Published On Mar 16, 2015 Uploaded by Sweet Natural Living FREE EBOOKLET Health is our natural state. It's really effortless. Here are three simple health tips that are easy to implement and yield powerful results immediately! Take action on your health and enjoy the amazing benefits. It's simply a matter of paying attention to basic physiological needs.

The importance of simple things like sleep, rest, hydration and diet plays a huge role in our health. Have you ever been severely sleep deprived for several days? If so, do you remember how you felt? I remember feeling like I was in a haze, unable to think clearly, unable to function properly. If you are just slightly underslept, like maybe lacking an hour or so each night, it will still take it's toll, the symptoms will just be more subtle. Invest in your health and make sure you sleep enough!

Hydration is essential to proper functioning of the body! The first step would be to stop eating dehydrating foods and switch to water rich foods like raw fruits and vegetables!

Human beings are frugivores by anatomy and physiology. We thrive on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables in their raw and natural state! The raw food diet is the norm in nature.

Take action today and enjoy the benefits tomorrow!

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Forget the excuses. Just for today, focus on the many ways you can improve your health. This list is by no means complete but a starting point to get you making your physical, emotional, and spiritual health a priority in your busy life. And, once you do these health upgrades today, do them again tomorrow. Before you know it you’ll be living a healthy lifestyle…with virtually no effort.

  1. Drink more water. Your body is 90 percent water and needs water for almost every function. Many of the aches and pains, headaches, and other symptoms we experience would lessen if we just drank more water.

  2. Go for a brisk walk. Your body was made to move. Your heart is a muscle that needs movement to function optimally. We know this but we often need a reminder to just do it.

  3. Better yet, take your brisk walk in nature. Trees and other plants are regularly turning our carbon dioxide into rich oxygen we can breathe. Getting rich, oxygenated air help kill bacteria and viruses, improves breathing, and may even help prevent cancer.

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