how to play tennis?

Aidan Yeaw


How to Play Tennis Tennis is a sport that is played all over the world, and is fun none the less. This Instructable is designed to teach the basics of tennis, as well as some advanced tips to improve your game.

Whether you are just beginning, or hoping to refine your game, continue to read this Instructable!

cool omar

New to the sport and interested in learning how to play tennis? Energized to embrace this challenging sport? Great. What is your motive? Is it the social aspect of the sport? Not a concern.The warmth of the culture in the tennis world is abundant, so locating tennis players to compete against at all levels is virtually guaranteed.

The social aspect of the game is awesome, but you will find that most athletes that play tennis are goal oriented individuals who are driven to compete. Whatever your motive is, it is my pleasure to be a part of your journey in learning how to play tennis.

The key to success in learning how to play tennis starts with you.

cool omar

Tennis is a sport that is played all over the world, and is fun none the less. This Instructable is designed to teach the basics of tennis, as well as some advanced tips to improve your game.

Whether you are just beginning, or hoping to refine your game, continue to read this Instructable!

Beginners might want to choose a head that is wider, which reduces the chance of missing the ball. More experienced players might want to choose a more narrow head which has more power and accuracy.

The material used for the raquet are nowadays synthetic materials such as composites and others. Wood is out of date, but you can always go old school.

Younger players might want to choose a raquet that is lighter so it is easier to hit the ball. As you grow older, you will become stronger, and a heavier raquet will be needed.

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