Alphabet with google

Ashley Doris

One of Sundar Pichai’s clearest memories of growing up in Chennai, India, involves picking up the results of a blood test for one of his parents. It was the early 1980s, and though the family lived in a middle-class neighborhood, they didn’t have a telephone, automobile or television. There was no way to get the results other than to retrieve them in person. Pichai had to take a city bus two and a half hours across town to the hospital and wait in a long line. When the results weren’t ready, he returned home empty-handed. In the U.S., “technology happens so fast, change is more continuous for people and sometimes they don’t internalize it,” he said in a Bloomberg Businessweek interview in 2014. “For me, it happened in these discrete moments.”

joy barma

Google is alphabet in simple terms they made alphabet so that their other companies they own and manage themselves that way they can focus on internet and android

joy barma

so who owns all the of the money? if lets say nest losses some money will alphabet be losing money. does alphabet have final say of a big project or only when that project needs money from the pool

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