What Do Calculators Do (To Math Class)?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

In some ways, it’s difficult to separate debates about the usage of calculators in the classroom from debates about math education writ large. Much of the “Math Wars” of the late 1980s (and onward… still) involved how much technology was appropriate, what technology would mean for the acquisition of basic math skills, and what - thanks to new technologies - math education should or could look like

alsan sharia

Uploaded on Aug 3, 2008

These Japanese kids are taught from a young age to use an abacus, and using cognitive learning principles, are gradually taught to automate the calculating principles so that eventually they become human calculators, doing incredible mathematical sums through internalising the operation of the abacus.

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joy barma

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2010

This class will teach you how to calculate any percentage in your head in less time than you could type into a calculator. Learn how to mentally calculate tip, sales, VAT sales taxs, or anything else that require percentage calculations. These FreeTestPrep.net speed math classes will help you get a perfect on your SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT or other tests that include a quantitive math section. To become a human calculator, visit FreeTestPrep.net

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