What are Do?s and Donts while practicing Yoga?

Mahadevan M S

Time for practice - Actually anytime is suitable if your stomach is empty. Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between.

Practice the sessions continuously - Do not split the time of study in the morning and evening.

Place - The place where you are going to study must be spacious, airy, pollution free, warm and with not so bright lights.

Accessories Used - You can use carpet or mattress for the study.

Position - As explained in ancient texts, you should face either east or north during the study.

Please be sure that telephone, Television, Doorbell or any other thing should not disturb you during the study.

Clothes - Do not wear tight clothes, but loose clothing during practice.

You should be physically fit to practice. (Please confirm this from your physician before starting this practice.)

You must learn the proper Yogasana before this study.


Before taking an initiative to do any asanas, it is always recommended to follow the basic guidelines for yoga practice. Yoga is a way of developing ourselves not just physically, but also psychologically. Yoga practice contributes for the betterment of our daily activities, habits, thoughts and behavior. One can acquire peace and tranquility, as yoga practice reduces all the negativity like ego, anger, prejudice, jealousy, greed, proud, aggression etc. And meditation is one of the main components of yoga science, which helps to conquer these negative tendencies. Hence Patanjali Maharshi, the father of Modern Science of Yoga (Yogashasthra), defines yoga as “Controlling the nature of mind”. You can practice the most effective pranayama with a basic deep breathing exercise technique

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Do's Always perform pranyama in a slow process. Take deep and slow breathes through your nose. Clean and neat surrounding. If its inside a house a clean room with yoga mat. Very good ventilation . This is very important. You are performing yoga with a purpose of inhaling great amount of oxygen so that each cell in your body meets its requirement . It would be best if you could do it where are big trees around like parks etc.

Don'ts (the opposite of do's)

Never perform yoga when your stomach is full like just after breakfast,dinner etc. Don't try to do it in a environment filled with chaos like a place near traffic filled vehicles etc Also never try hard any particular asana or position if its not within your limits . Refer a yoga teacher and learn the techniques.

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