How to Travel and Visit Cuba ?

Margret Smith

here is my answer to you with a video


Travel video about destination Cuba. Basking in the Caribbean sun, the island of Cuba lies between sun and socialism, rumba and revolution. Havana is the capital. In 1553, the Spanish conquerors designated Havana’s harbour as a collection point for ships loaded with gold and silver from the new Spanish colonies and named the settlement, San Cristobal De La Habana.La Bodeguita Del Medio was once Hemmingway`s local and nowhere else is the ‘Mojito’ mixed better: three year old white rum, lime juice, soda, sugar, ice and mint. Whether it be the Teatro Marti, the Old Tobacco Factory, the famous Bacardi house, or the Floridita Bar, everywhere there is a feeling of nostalgia. When the Daiquiri is served, one almost expects Fidel Castro to be sitting at the next table. Pinar Del Rio is a small but busy town in which the Red Star and portraits of Che Guevara are displayed for all to see. In the old town, colourful houses with beautiful pillared corridors demonstrate the former wealth of the country’s independent tobacco growers. Time means little here. While observing life on the streets, one begins to think in the same relaxed tempo of the leisurely-smoked cigars.

cool omar

Since President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. would ease diplomatic relations with Cuba, the number of people looking to travel to the largest country in the Caribbean has steeply risen. Travel websites like, a vacation rental search engine, saw a 126 percent increase in searches for Cuban properties. Meanwhile, hotel search engine reported a 180 percent search surge since the Dec. 17 announcement.

The country already welcomes a large amount of tourism from other parts of the world, and even before the news, American interest in traveling to Cuba has steadily risen. According to data released by the Cuban government, more than 2.8 million tourists visited in 2013, about 92,000 of which were U.S. citizens. That number is up from only about 40,000 in 2008.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions about how the recent decision will affect Americans traveling in Cuba, but there are reasons to be optimistic -- or even book a trip.

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