Which music is good for slow dance ?

Alizy monz

Alis 01

1) Dancers want music which drives their dancing, physically and emotionally.

Some dances require much energy to dance, like swing, hustle, salsa, fast waltz and polka. When the music supplies this energy, their dancing will feel fun and effortless, like driving a turbocharged car. When the music doesn't give this energy boost, fast dancing can feel like hard work.

Other dance forms are gentle and lyrical, and dancers love music which sweeps them emotionally through those dances.

There's a huge difference between the questions, 'Is it possible to waltz to this tune?' and, 'Does this music totally embody the feeling of waltzing... does it make them want to waltz?' The second question is far more important than the first. (It's the same question for swing, salsa and every dance form.)

If you only have a few tunes for waltzing (or whatever the dance form is), then play whatever you have. But when you have dozens of possible tunes, then choose from the second category above, not the first... does this tune make you want to waltz, or is it merely a tune in 3/4 time? Does it embody the spirit of waltzing? Does it energize that particular dance form? (Again, it's the same question for swing, salsa and every dance form.)

alsan sharia

Published on Mar 29, 2012

Slow Dance Song - nice music, great for wedding. Best in Wedding Music http://goo.gl/neIzo Collection Love songs for weddings MP3 Downloads http://goo.gl/DUC9Dt

Wedding and Honeymoon Songs and Music http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... Credits Music: song 'Slow Dance / RPM 10' kompoz.com/p/15639 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Collaboration project - Philippe Musy (Project Founder) - Filgood.kompoz.com Nick Julsrud-Wertjes - jaydubaya.kompoz.com John Guitar - phraser.kompoz.com Alice Leony - AliceLeonz.kompoz.com Picture - 'Beverly & Ryan's Wedding by By aprillynn77 April Killingsworth www.flickr.com/photos/aprillynn77/351582�58 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed�.en

    Standard YouTube License 

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