What is the deadliest sport you have ever played?

Alizy monz

There are plenty of reasons to want to become a professional athlete. Money and fame are two big ones, and making a living by playing a sport is basically a guarantee that one will remain fit. Working out for a living is living the dream for some.

Unfortunately, where there is nonstop physical activity, pain, suffering and injuries will not be far behind. On top of injury, in some sports which involve machines or full contact, there is the potentiality that an athlete will die while playing. Even sports that do not allow full contact can be deathtraps.

Hockey and American football are among the most physical games out there, with devastating hits being dished out in every game. But even look at baseball; a hard ball is being hurled at speeds around 100 mph. Batting helmets exist for a reason. Dehydration is a threat in any sport and among sports with constant strenuous activity, undiagnosed cardiovascular problems can show up at any time the heart and circulatory systems are under pressure.

Alizy monz

This is a list of the deadliest sports; determined by how many professionals have died from injuries sustained while playing. This is a tough topic to accurately report on, mainly due to the fact that it is difficult to determine whether some circumstances of death can actually be attributed to an athletic career. For instance, a retired football player suffering from CTE may suffer from dementia and die prematurely as a result.

From in game injuries that result in immediate death to long term conditions that result from a long career, all such factors will be considered when determining what is the deadliest sport. Here are the ten mainstream sports that a person may die from playing. Note that “mainstream” is a prerequisite, as sword-fighting, bear-wrestling and base jumping may be normal activities for “some” people, but we will stick to well known games.

This list will also take into account the number of professionals who have died playing or as a result of participating in these sports, and this will affect ranking of course.

cool omar

I got to thinking about this topic last night when my mom, a hard core equestrian, came home with 4 ribs broken near her spine, a hematoma (huge bruise) the size a half basketball, serious shortness of breath, and blood in her pee (no, she did not go to the hospital). She’s always given me a hard time for being a skier, but it’s her, not me, who comes home broken like this on occasion. Twelve years ago, when she came home with a broken nose, cracked skull, and broken arm, I decided I’d look up which was more dangerous, horseback riding or skiing.

alsan sharia

Published on Sep 16, 2014

this video is from Google Search www.google.com. I use Google Advanced Search to collect those images, usage rights: 'free to use, share or modify, even commercially' section. Background Sound of this video I collect from YouTube Audio Library which is free to use. Thank you. Source File:http://top10for.com/top-10-deadliest-... 8. Heli-Skiing: Deadliest Sports The heli-skiing is a well paying sport. In it the participants jump from the helicopter on an untouched snowcap. The helicopter runs with a great speed, but who cares when the player has thought of jumping and making the record. This game was started in 1994. 7. Bull Riding: Deadliest Sports Don’t confuse bull riding with bull jumping because both are different games. The bull riding includes the straddling of about 1700 pounds. The player is usually cushioned for security reasons but the bull can still tore him into pieces if it gets weird. 6. Motorcycle Racing: Deadliest Sports Motorcycling or motorcycle racing is one of the deadliest sports in the world. It includes driving one’s bike with too high speed and targeting a specific distance in order to win the race. The drivers have to be very careful because this is an extremely dangerous sport, can even lead them to death.

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