We are getting ready for an investor pitch. Can you give us your opinion on it?

joy barma

The information contained in this video is the result of the last 12 years of delivering workshops and coaching real people looking to raise capital. It's the same information I give out in the first coaching session along with a homework assignment. This is not a sales presentation to get you to hire me. This video contains only 'solid nourishment' and no 'empty calories' to waste your time or money.

joy barma

Nathan Gold, the presenter in the video, coaches for the following organizations: -Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation -Startup America Partnership -UP Global -IDG/DEMO Conferences -Citrix Startup Accelerator -DLA Piper Venture Pipeline Group -SVForum Investor Forum -Keiretsu Forum Entrepreneur Academy -PlugandPlayTechCenter -Rocketspace Jumpstart Program

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