S2G0010 is displaying multiple error messages on the LCD front panel, and is unable to find a boot device

Jeany Stein

when power-cycled. S2G0010 also displays two error messages on its front panel LCD: E0876 and E0880 -- both of which simply report that the second power supply is not plugged in (it has no AC power, and thus reduncancy is lost for power). http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/servers/f/1466/t/17500444

Jeany Stein

We then rack the new server in your cabinet (no charge) and connect/configure the IPKVM (equipment rental fee). An option to eliminate the need for an IPKVM is to make sure the new server has a built-in remote administration feature of some sort, such as DRAC (available on some Dell servers). Either way, the server could be remotely set up

joy barma

can some one help me plz i wil reinstal me windows 7 but how i do that with this motherbord the hdd is w7 but i have now windows 8 but i wil w7 from me hdd how i do that can some one help me plz sorry for bad english

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