"What can I do to help my child with our divorce?

Mahadevan M S

Divorce can be painful and can be one of life’s stressful events. It threatens children’s sense of security and identity leading them often to blame themselves. Every child experiences some pattern of emotional pain when their parents’ divorce. They go through the stages of grief which include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. These emotions can affect the children’s sleep, appetite, schoolwork and relationships. The parents must reassure children over and over that the divorce is not their fault. They are loved by both parents and they can love both parents. Parents must not pit the child against one another. Getting along for the kids must be a goal for the parents. Parents should always observe their children's behavior. They may need a counselor’s help to work through their grief and so may you the parent.

alsan sharia

Published on Apr 20, 2014

A 'Dear Mom & Dad' letter written by a child of divorce.

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joy barma

Published on Aug 13, 2015

Relationships Counseling: http://lenonhonor.com/consultations/

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Questions: Greetings Mr. Honor. I want to thank you so much for your wonderful YouTube videos that have brought so much education, enlightenment, and peace to me. It is such a pleasure to see you and your wonderful family bring such positivity and inspiration. I was wondering if you could possibly share your thoughts, advice, and suggestions in a YouTube Video on discussing separation/divorce with children. In piggybacking off of your segment titled, 'Should I Stay In a Negative Relationship With My Children's Father?', is there a proper way to prepare children for the drastic and devastating transition of leaving a negative relationship?

I have decided to leave a 14-year marriage that has been extremely negative for a long time. However, I am extremely concerned of the impact it will have on my 10-year old daughter. She has a close bond with her father and loves him very much. There is nothing I would do to get in the way of their relationship, however, I am choosing not to be blind anymore to the fact of our relationship being very volatile and negative.

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