10 Steps: How to Write a Resume?

Mahadevan M S

Step 1: Find a Job for Your Resume Learn why this step is important to writing a good resume. Don't make the mistake so many make by doing this step after they write their resumes.Step 2: List of Keywords for Your Resume Recruiters and employers search for keywords, so you need to put them in your resume if you want to be found.Step 3: Choose a Resume Format One size doesn't fit all when it comes to resume format Step 4: Your Resume Heading Believe it or not, there's a right way and a wrong way to do this easy step. Step 5: Your Resume Job Objective Learn the pros and cons of having a job objective statement, how to write a good one, and some good options for not having one.

Mahadevan M S

Step 6: Your Summary of QualificationsIf the employer reads only this part of your resume, does she get the very best of what you have to offer!Step 7: Your Work Experience Know how to write your work history on your resume to make the best of it, even if you have tough problems. In this step, you'll learn: Step 8: Your Resume Achievement Statements Achievement statements tell the employer you're worth hiring, or at least interviewing for the job. Spend time on this part so you use your resume real estate wisely.Step 9: Listing Education on Your .Step 10: Community Service and Other Lists on Your ResumeWhere and how to put all those lists of community service, skills, and other things that need a place of their own on your resume.

joy barma

Kathryn introduces the Outline Format for a federal resume. This format is easy to read and great to copy and paste into USAJOBS, CPOL or other federal resume builder. She also shows how to use the keywords from the vacancy announcements in the Outline Format. Samples are in the book, Ten Steps to a Federal Job, 2nd Ed, published by The Resume Place, Inc., www.resume-place.com

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