Does the change in mother's food affect the baby?

Mahadevan M S
food  health  baby  kids  does  

Stew Biff

'Whatever the nursing mother eat will be secreted in her milk, but in insignificant quantities. Generally if the mother tolerates a particular food item well the baby also tolerates it well.

A normal well nourished mother secretes about 500 ml of milk daily for the first 6 months to one year and after that the quantity slowly comes down. Whereas an undernourished mother's milk is insufficient in fats and vitamins and inadequate for the baby also.

Eating fishes and vegetables contaminated with pesticides may cause problems in the baby because of their secretion in the milk. Eating spices, condiments, chocolates, onions, tomotoes may cause loose stolls in the babies.But the problems are plenty in the baby of a mother who smokes, drink alcohol and abuses the drugs. Almost all the drugs are excreted in the breastmilk and they will have their effect on the body.

For medical reasons if the mother has to take certain drugs like anticoagulants, anti-cancer drugs, antithyroid drugs, radioactive drugs, purgative etc., seh has to stop feeding her baby as long as she is on those rugs'


The short answer to this question is NO – you do not need to maintain a perfect diet in order to provide quality milk for your baby. In fact, research tells us that the quality of a mother’s diet has little influence on her milk. Nature is very forgiving – mother’s milk is designed to provide for and protect baby even in times of hardship and famine. A poor diet is more likely to affect the mother than her breastfed baby.

It’s common to hear women say that they want to wean (or not breastfeed at all) because they miss drinking coffee, or want to have an occasional glass of wine, or don’t like worrying constantly about everything they eat. Guess what? You can drink caffeinated beverages (in moderation), have an occasional drink, eat what you want and still provide your baby with the absolute best nutrition and immunological protection – mother’s own milk.

standarditech sachin

Everything the mother eats, drinks, (even smokes! of course this isn’t advisable but people do smoke during pregnancy, which is a serious NO NO!) affects the baby. Anything that gets into the mothers blood stream is passed through the placenta (the soft connection tissue between mother and baby in the womb) to the baby. So for a healthy baby you need a healthy diet. Lots of vitamins and minerals. expecting mothers also need to increase their intake of food to take into account a growing baby inside them so they need a bit more food and more vitamins and minerals.. lots of iron too so the blood becomes rich in oxygen so more oxygen can be transported to the baby to help it grow…

cool omar

Whatever the nursing mother eat will be secreted in her milk, but in insignificant quantities. Generally if the mother tolerates a particular food item well the baby also tolerates it well.

A normal well nourished mother secretes about 500 ml of milk daily for the first 6 months to one year and after that the quantity slowly comes down. Whereas an undernourished mother's milk is insufficient in fats and vitamins and inadequate for the baby also.

Eating fishes and vegetables contaminated with pesticides may cause problems in the baby because of their secretion in the milk. Eating spices, condiments, chocolates, onions, tomotoes may cause loose stolls in the babies.But the problems are plenty in the baby of a mother who smokes, drink alcohol and abuses the drugs. Almost all the drugs are excreted in the breastmilk and they will have their effect on the body.

For medical reasons if the mother has to take certain drugs like anticoagulants, anti-cancer drugs, antithyroid drugs, radioactive drugs, purgative etc., seh has to stop feeding her baby as long as she is on

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