I want to talk to experts about Fertility - who is available now? who would like to talk to me?

Jeany Stein

Can I see who is online right now? Can I see who would like to talk to me?

joy barma

I understand talking about infertility isn’t always easy. Every day women and men facing infertility. Today and always, in honor of National Fertility Awareness, I want to help RESOLVE raising awareness.

Every day people with infertility are asking questions. “Why me?” “How can we afford this?” “Why don’t you understand?” National Infertility Awareness Week� is not only an opportunity to raise awareness about this disease, but also motivate all that are touched by infertility to commit to the cause.

National Infertility Awareness Week� (NIAW) is a movement that began in 1989. The goal of NIAW is to raise awareness about the disease of infertility and encourage the public to understand their reproductive health. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association founded this movement and continues to work with the professional family building community, corporate partners, and the media to: Ensure that people trying to conceive know the guidelines for seeing a specialist when they are trying to conceive. Enhance public understanding that infertility is a disease that needs and deserves attention. Educate legislators about the disease of infertility and how it impacts people in their state.

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