We have a Windows Server - The server stops to work from time to time. Who can advice? How much cost your hourly rates?


joy barma

Total bullshit ,there is a method to make a machine pay on a high average.If I try my method and it doesn't respond I move to another machine until I find one that responds ,I have done it for years and still do it , it's all a algorhythm based and it works on any denomination .study the complexity of the electrical engineering in a slot motherboard , break it down by component and firmware BOOM it's over.

joy barma

His information is a bit outdated. I've never heard of a 'random number chip' before unless he's talking about 20 year old mechanicals. Percentage chips are a thing of the past when slot games were embedded development during the 90's and early 2000's. Each game comes with all percentages and can be changed by clearing the game and resetting it up. Can be done by an admin if necessary. For the last 12 years or so, the hardware inside a slot machine (this also includes mechanicals) is no different then your desktop PC. Many of them running Windows or Linux as their operating system. Today, if you were to open a slot machine you'd see a Dell computer running Windows and the game you're playing was developed in Unity.

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