How to start Social media business ?

Alizy monz

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In online world, the tool for listening is called a newsreader or a news aggregator. This type of software allows you to understand the conversation going out in the web.

Google Reader, which is one of the easiest to use, has just recently shut down but some marketing community has just recently recommended a list of feed readers as a replacement.

What should you listen to? The answer depends on how you intend to use the tool; however, if you are a part of a business or company space, here’s what to think:

Ego search building. Free tools like Technorati, SocialMention, Google Alerts, and TweetDeck will help socially monitor your brand. Use them to build a search on your company’s name, product names, key employees’ names, and so forth.

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Blogs, video, podcasts, Twitter, and tons of tools exist for speaking. Some of you might already use some of these tools that you’re comfortable with and prefer.

Here are some ideas about how your voice can be heard further.

Use Facebook and other social networks to point people toward your primary media by posting updates and news about your company. Find other people or businesses that share the same media and do an outreach. Offer media that their audience might like as well. Reach people with your conversation by putting the URL of your media on your e-mail signature and business cards. Use FeedBurner to improve your RSS feed since it provides more features and enhancements than a built-in RSS feed. Create and integrate list building through e-mail. Create newsletter opt-ins and encourage your audience to subscribe. Reach them through e-mail and tell them your latest updates that will interest them. Aweber helps you create and send email newsletters easily. Make sure your website and all of the media you have point back to you so that people know who you are, where you are, what are you up to, how to reach you, and what you are all about.

alsan sharia

Published on Aug 13, 2012

Social media marketing can help your business to increase revenue and achieve a high ROI for marketing efforts. The cost / benefit ratio can often far surpass those of traditional marketing: many tools are free, and have a very wide reach. Social media marketing offers many of the benefits of word-of-mouth advertising, with an exponentially higher 'share' rate. Our webinar will describe the ins and outs of social media marketing by examining actual case studies of businesses that have worked with Situated Research. This webinar is part of our 'Social Media 101' series.

Topics covered: - Defining social networking and social media - How to utilize the power of the most popular social networks - How to use each social network most effectively - How to develop a basic marketing plan - Long-term benefits of participation

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