What are the uses of Melaleuca?

Mahadevan M S

cool omar

The Uses and Benefits of Melaleuca Essential Oil are amazing to me. Melaleuca Oil is considered a medicinal oil. This is commonly called “Tea Tree” Essential Oil. Price per drop I can’t live without this one! It is one of my favorite essential oils because it so many diverse uses. I use it for acne and skin irritations, to remove the smell from stinky laundry and for cleaning!

Most recently I personally used this oil to kill Candida. I know that may be too much information for some of you however it is true! Dilute with coconut oil and apply to the infected area. For thrush add to your mouth with coconut oil to dilute or directly to the area.

Stew Biff

Melaleuca, more commonly known as 'tea tree,' is distilled from Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant found in Australia. The oil of this incredible plant is amazing and has more properties and uses than anyone could even know what to do with. Just the major properties of Melaleuca include: stimulating, antibacterial, analgesic, immune stimulating, insecticidal, decongestant, anti-inflammation, antiviral, digestive, and antioxidant. All of these things come from the oil of some random plant in the outback? No wonder it’s often referred to as a, 'medicine cabinet in a bottle.'

cool omar

There are so many interesting uses for Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil, it was hard to narrow down to a top 10 list! So what is this strange sounding essential oil called by its proper botanical name: Melaleuca alternifolia? Did you know that the common name for Melaleuca alternifolia is Tea Tree oil and it is also called Snake Oil?! Now you know what Melaleuca alternifolia is – it is Tea Tree! Melaleuca alternifolia is on the best selling essential oils of all time and is famous for being gentle on skin. And the best part is that it is NOW included in the starter kit (get details here)! It’s practical and useful, like how the perfect essential oil should be. - See more at: http://www.homemademommy.net/2014/11/10-uses-for-melaleuca-alternifolia-tea-tree-essential-oil.html#sthash.enPt0k2Q.dpuf


Melaleuca oil (Melaleuca alternifolia, or more commonly known as tea tree) has been used for centuries by cultures around the world to heal wounds. The oil is steam-distilled from the leaves of certain myrtle shrubs and trees, and said to be 12x the antiseptic strength of phenol. The aroma is pretty distinct, kinda medicinal and herbaceous. It's not my favorite aroma, to be honest, but I suffer through it because it's a really potent oil

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