What is the most valuable art in the world?

Mahadevan M S

In general, the most valuable artworks are owned by the major museums and galleries, such as the Louvre (Paris), the Musee d'Orsay (Paris), the Uffizi Gallery (Florence), the Hermitage (St Petersburg), the Tate Gallery (London) and the Pinakothek museums in Munich, to name but a few.

joy barma

Published on Dec 2, 2014

The most expensive paintings in the world are usually housed in the galleries and museums of Europe and the United States. These paintings are so valuable that art enthusiasts are willing to spend millions when they get auctioned off. More often than not, the value of a painting depends on its age and the artist behind it. Some paintings may look too ordinary for the eyes but cost millions just because they are painted by world-renowned artists like Vincent Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso. Here is a list of the 25 most ridiculously expensive arts and paintings in history:

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