Could a person survive in a falling lift if they jumped as it hits the ground?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Probably not. Momentum is mass multiplied by velocity, so the faster you are travelling when you hit the ground, the more force you will feel. If the lift has been falling for a while, then it will be moving very fast and if you jump up it will lessen the impact. However this difference will probably be so small it will not be noticeable.

alsan sharia

Uploaded on Sep 13, 2009

It's been reported that Elevator Accident arising since begining of this year in China. Someone doubt the Chinese elevator manufacture, someone blame the stingy elevator buyer. Anyway, we are here to post some education videos of how to use elevator or getting away from elevator accidents. Hope it can help somebody.

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joy barma

Published on Jan 7, 2015

A lot of people think that if you jump just before an elevator that's in free fall hits the ground their lives will be saved. Man, they are in for a big surprise.

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