want to learn blues dancing

Jeany Stein

Jeany Stein

Here how


Video with original soundtrack here: http://www.vimeo.com/8627542

I've been teaching some basic blue dance classes for a while now, so I thought I'd throw together this video to get people started and get other instructors feedback on my teaching style.

Much thanks to Aurora and Isaac Koval for their help!

cool omar

The evolution of a dance and the instruction of a dance is an interesting beast. There is no governing body that determines which teachers or teaching institutions should be 'accredited,' and the choice of teachers is determined largely by the students, the mass of which are beginners or new to the dance, and arguably are those least capable of determining who should and shouldn't be teaching. This issue is worse for 'street' dances than it is for 'ballroom' dances. To clarify, dances usually manifest themselves in the real world through one or more of the following:

Social dance events or venues Dance classes Competitions A ballroom dance is one that mostly exists via ballroom dance classes. Often times while there isn't a governing body to choose teachers, ballroom dances have an agreed upon set of rules that compose the dance. One can think of these rules as being the 'perfect form' of the dance, and this form is one that generally does not evolve much. This form, for example, is generally used to judge one's place in a competition.

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