How is Yoga helpful for Women/ housewives?

Mahadevan M S

Apart from common benefits of Yoga some special Yogic techniques help women to increase their physical and mental health.


This course is exclusively for women who are interested in developing fitness of both body and mind. The 18 class program covers basic lessons that they can put in daily practice. Those who want to practice with us on a regular basis can continue after the course.

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Yoga for women can take care most of the common health issues affecting women. Women always have to endure more in life as compared to men due to the additional responsibilities like raising and bringing up a child or as a homemaker.

Most women may be emotionally stronger than men to handle challenges of everyday life. But women need regular exercise, proper rest and healthy diet to stay fit and healthy. Yoga is ideal exercise for women as it requires no other equipment other than your yoga mat.

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