Do you think genetics determine physical strength?

Alizy monz

Genetics shape us in many ways including our potential to excel in sports. Training, diet, and other factors play a large role in developing our potential, but our genes may also limit performance. You may have the genetic potential for being a champion athlete, but if you live a lifestyle of overeating and no exercise you are unlikely to achieve that potential. On the other hand, someone with limited genetic potential can find ways to compensate and become a solid performer. Genetics have a large influence over strength, muscle size and muscle fiber composition (fast or slow twitch), anaerobic threshold (AT), lung capacity, flexibility, and, to some extent, endurance.

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cool omar

I was wondering because I see that taller people have more physical strength than shorter people and some people have good strength and they don't exercise, some friends touched my wrist and said that my meat is so soft and I held their wrist and mine and I knew the difference, my friends don't exercise but are taller than me and when your meat is soft it means you don't have muscles or that they're weak so I wanted to know is it genetics or food or exercise which gives the most potential for physical ability?? I also think big boned people are stronger, my friends have bigger bones than mine I think its genes but I wanted to know what others think In weightlifting terms saying somebody has 'good genetics' is basically the same as saying they have 'good leverage'. Of course certain people are born with naturally better leverage than others when it comes to attributes like pushing-strength, etc.

Alis 01

Your genes may also determine how your body responds to training, diet and other external factors. Research on aerobic endurance shows that some people respond more to training than others. So even if you have a low genetic potential for endurance, you may respond well to training and develop your potential more completely than someone with genetic 'talent' who doesn't respond to training.

Training also increases cardiac efficiency, but the extent of this increase may depend upon genetics. Genetically gifted athletes will have a much greater response to training and will have a large increase in the number of mitochondria in cells. (The mitochondria are organelles in cells that produce the ATP, so the more mitochondria a person has, and the more efficient they are.)

alsan sharia

Published on Jun 13, 2013

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Co-Written by Jessica Gemin

Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).

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