How does the prognosis for reducing environmental impact look in the future?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

European aviation research and the aviation industry estimate that by the year 2020 aircraft can be developed with 50% less fuel consumption and thereby carbon dioxide emission, 80% lower emission of nitric oxides and half as much noise, compared with an aircraft being produced today.

cool omar

European aviation research and the aviation industry estimate that by the year 2020 aircraft can be developed with 50% less fuel consumption and thereby carbon dioxide emission, 80% lower emission of nitric oxides and half as much noise, compared with an aircraft being produced today.


The UN's international climate panel (IPCC) indicates that air traffic currently accounts for about 2% of the global emissions of carbon dioxide. Along with the emission of nitric oxides, steam and effects from condensation trails, aviation is estimated to account for 3.5% of the total human impact on climate. Aviation accounts for 4-5% of Sweden's total emissions of carbon dioxide. The transportation sector in turn accounts for over a third of Sweden's total emissions of carbon dioxide.

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