How many milligrams of prednisone should you give a 25 pound dog?

Pano Tip
  1. If Pred. is appropriate for whatever condition your dog has and
  2. The correct dose for your dog, as prescribed by A VET.

Prednisone is a steroid and you do not mess around with steroids, or any other drug for that matter. Once on Pred. the dog will need to come off gradually - again on the advice of a qualified vet.


There seems to be a lot of good opinions and advice regarding pets here, so I'll run one by you too.

The vet put him on prednisone and said that there will be an increase in thirst and urination. That was an understatement! Rocky has had maybe 3 accidents in the house his whole life prior to this med. He has had 3-4 a day since being on it. After two days I called the vet and they told me to split the pills to lower the dosage (since you cannot stop the drug cold-turkey). Rocky still has accidents. It's not that he goes to the door and barks and I'm not letting him out on time. He just goes; like he doesn't even know it is coming.

If any of you have used prednisone with dogs, did you have a similar experience? The vet said I was giving Rocky a low dose of Benedryl, so I am wondering if I should just wean him from the prednisone and then increase his Benedryl dosage. I won't do anything without my vets blessing first, but really wanted to hear if they benefit of prednisone outweights these problems. He is supposed to be on it for 4 weeks (2 pills/day for 7 days, then 1 pill/day for 7 days, then one pill every other day till gone). We are on day 4, I think.

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