Who is a Hindu?

Mahadevan M S

If a person has at least one Hindu parent or has chosen to adopt Hindu principles, and celebrates Hindu festivals, one may be considered a Hindu.

One way of looking at it would suggest that a Hindu would observe at least some Hindu traditions as being part of a community. For example:

in lifecycle events like marriage ceremonies, death ceremonies etc;
in annual and seasonal festivals like Navraatri (or Dusherra), Diwaali (or Deepaavali), Krishna Janmaasthami, etc;
general community practices, like temple worship, etc. 

Some higher levels of criteria may include such characteristics as having worthwhile objectives (Purushaartha) in life (see question 6, principle iii), believing in rebirth and evolution of the soul, and working towards ultimate realization.

From a strict traditional sense, to be a Hindu, one must either accept the Vedas & Vedaangas and/or Aagama & Tantra.

Mahadevan M S

alsan sharia

Published on Nov 12, 2012

Hinduism is the most Ancient religion in the world. It is also known as 'Sanatan Dharma', which means the eternal right path. This is a video I made after uncovering quite a lot of facts and evidences that likely prove that Islam worships an ancient Vedic Pagan God which it borrowed from Hindus while Bhaarat (Ancient India) under the Great King Vikramaditya ruled over Aravasthan (Arabia), before the reign of the Revered Prophet Mohammad.

Obviously it is known that Islam borrowed all of their knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Astronomy, Literature, Medicine & Architecture from the Ancient Indians & the Vedic Culture and now, it is known that their God too is of Vedic Origin and mentioned in one of their own Arabic Poem, the 'Sayar-Ul-Okul'.

'Allah' is a Sanskrit word, one of the names of Female Forms of Shiva or 'Durga'. It is a word, hijacked by Islam to suit its own purpose.

Reference : http://volker-doormann.org/the0.htm

Please Check out the Links Below for more Information regarding the proofs and Claims till date by the Scientific and Archaeological Community around the world :

joy barma

Published on Aug 3, 2014

(in Hindi) (in Hindi) (in Hindi) (in Hindi) (in Hindi) (in Hindi) Notes: http://sangramllb.tumblr.com/post/937... Who is a Hindu: i. Any person who is a Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Budhist by religion is ‘Hindu’ ii. Any person who is born of Hindu Parent (one or both) iii. Any person who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsi, or Jew and who is not governed by any other law. - born hindu; - converts to hinduism; Sources of Hindu Law

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