How to Be Good in Sports

cool omar

Be a 'go-getter'. The first step to be a go-getter: Have faith in yourself! A go-getter is a person who can get things done and achieve desired goals, no matter how bad the situation is or how limited the resources are. Contribute. Don't just sign up just to be on the team. It doesn't matter about your skill, but your effort and willingness to contribute is more important. Just go out there every practice and game and work at it. If you strike out a couple times, remember the saying 'How will you ever know your on top if you've never been on the bottom looking up?'. Always respect the game. When pros cheat by using performance-enhancing drugs to boost muscle mass, they're only cheating themselves and tarnishing their sport. Most importantly, they're messing with the minds of fans nationwide. They are giving the wrong impression that it is okay to use drugs to make themselves better but, in fact, it is not okay to do such things. Every time they inject drugs into their system, their bodies are satisfactory in the short term (the large muscle mass) but they lose years of their life in the long run.


There are sports that are suited for certain people. If you try out for a sport and you're not good, then you get humiliated. Try this test out and see which sport would be the best for you! Are you an athlete? If so, which sport would you be good at? This quiz helps you find which sport would be the best for you. It will take a few minutes. Take your time and see what you sport will be!

Iren Jones

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