What are the health benefits of eating pumpkin?

Pano Tip

If your diet is like the average American's, you don't get enough fiber. You should consume between 20 and 35 grams of fiber each day, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, but many people don't get more than 15 grams. Fiber helps you digest your food efficiently, which helps your body absorb the nutrients from your food. Getting enough fiber can keep you from getting constipated as well. One cup of pumpkin puree provides you with 7.1 grams of dietary fiber.


A 1-cup serving of pumpkin puree supplies 3.4 grams of iron, a mineral that helps keep you from getting sick by supporting a strong immune system.


Health Benefits of Pumpkin - Top 10 Benefits - Easy Recipes

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cool omar

Pumpkin: It’s yummy and it’s seasonal. And we’re in the middle of a full-on flavor takeover. There’s pumpkin in your bagels, beer and coffee. Starbucks has sold more than 200 million Pumpkin Spice Lattes in the past 10 years. Even the makers of Pringles are getting in on the action. While most pumpkin-flavored treats should be added to the once-in-a-while list, pumpkin itself (not to be confused with artificial pumpkin spice flavoring) is actually one of the healthier foods of the season. Here are six reasons it’s OK to be totally obsessed with this season’s superfood.

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