TED Conference 2015

Margret Smith

Margret Smith


Only a limited number of TED registrations are available each year; they're granted at the discretion of the TED team based on a broad set of criteria aimed at ensuring a rich and stimulating exchange of ideas among a diverse group of peers.

A Standard registration for TED2015 in Vancouver costs USD $8,500. (SOLD OUT) This membership type extends for up to one year. Benefits include attendance at the TED2015 conference, as well as an online archive of the conference and online tools for social networking.

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Held annually on the West Coast of North America, the TED Conference is at the heart of TED. More than a thousand people attend this five-day conference about Technology, Entertainment and Design -- as well as science, business, the arts and the global issues facing our world. Over 70 speakers appear on the main stage to give 18-minute talks and shorter presentations, including music, performance and comedy.

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