How To Get Media Coverage For Your Startup?

joy barma

I explain ten different ways in which you can get press coverage for your business. Press, for short PR, is a great way to get massive exposure for your business. But getting press coverage isn't a simple thing to accomplish. All business owners want to get press (pr) coverage for their business, so it is quite competitive.

joy barma

One way to get press is by creating a press release and sending it out via PrWeb which is the world's number one service for sending out a press release. You can also send the press release in a more targeted ways by identifying the journalists whom you want to cover your business.

You can also get press by contacting bloggers. And if they do not want to give you PR and cover your business, ask to place a guest article. Placing a guest article isn't a terrible way to get PR.

joy barma

You can also get publicity and press coverage for your business or startup by appearing on podcasts or radio shows. Additionally, you can get PR by answering HARO inquiries.

Also, speaking at events can get you publicity and PR because you never know who is in the audience. If there are bloggers or journalists in the audience, and they like your business, they may cover your business in an article.

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