How to Reduce Math Test Anxiety?

Mahadevan M S

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Uploaded on Mar 22, 2011 This provides information about basic math, algebra, study skills, math anxiety, learning styles and more. Through this website, you can get access to various links such as study skills tips, identifying your learning style, math anxiety test, math tutorials, algebra quizzes, ten ways to reduce math anxiety, math videos and many more.

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Math anxiety is a tricky thing to conquer, because unlike other forms of anxiety, you can't necessary teach someone to completely avoid anxiety if they are struggling to solve a problem. Some level of anxiety is natural, and some people believe that overconfidence (ie, no anxiety) may cause issues as well. Clearly the best way to reduce that anxiety is studying, because the more the student is used to solving a problem, the less intimidating the problem becomes. However, there are strategies that teachers and parents can implement to reduce math test anxiety even further, including: Create a Personal Test Taking Strategy Teach a Personal Relaxation Technique Make Extra Credit Available


It's not unusual for a child to struggle with math during their early school years. As a child's brain develops, they start to learn how to solve logic problems and apply analytical reasoning – a development that is in part nurtured through their ability to solve mathematical problems. Their brains want to find they answer – their brains know that an answer is there – but while they're starting to make those connections, solving math problems can provide considerable stress and anxiety. This is especially true when taking a math test, because there is the added pressure of knowing that the test itself is gauging whether or not they have been successful at learning. That pressure can cause a lot of anxiety, and it's not uncommon for the child taking the test to feel these effects, including:

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The Tensing and Differential Relaxation Method helps you relax by tensing and relaxing your muscles all at once. Follow these procedures while you are sitting at your desk before taking a test: 1. Put your feet flat on the floor. 2. With your hands, grab underneath the chair. 3. Push down with your feet and pull up on your chair at the same time for about five seconds. 4. Relax for five to 10 seconds. 5. Repeat the procedure two to three times. 6. Relax all your muscles except the ones that are actually used to take the test.

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