I want to learn to dance

cool omar

While even kids can dance, not everyone can dance well. If you want to learn how to dance, you first have to pick a style. Next, you can spend some time learning on your own. Alternatively, join a class at a local community college to improve your skills. Don't forget, you'll need to give your body some love by eating right and exercising to be a stellar dancer.Know what styles to explore. Each style has a different feel. For instance, the quick beats of tap dancing are very different from the long graceful moves of ballet dancing or the edgy movements of hiphop. Try ballroom dancing with a partner or even Irish dancing.[1] http://www.seabreeze.com.au/Articles/Kitesurfing/How-to-do-your-first-jump_3367282.aspx


Watch more Dancing for Beginners videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/511084-How-to-Dance-with-Girls-at-a-Party-Beginner-Dancing

Learn 3 easy dance moves with this dance video from Howcast.

Loretta: Hey everybody, what's up? My name's Loretta. This is Ava and this is Anthony.

Ava: Hi.

Anthony: How's it going?

Loretta: Right now, we're going to teach you three simple moves for beginners. If you're a beginner and you haven't really danced before...

Ava: Which is totally okay.

Loretta: Totally fine. The basic thing is just to have some confidence, even if you feel like you're doing something wrong, but you look like you're doing it right, you're going to do it right, okay? First thing we do, we show you three simple, easy moves. We can just do a step -- clap. Simple, easy; step -- clap, step -- clap, step -- clap, step -- clap.

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