Can I use the wireless keyboard with an iPad mini?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Yes, you can use a wireless keyboard like the small wireless Apple keyboard on the iPad mini there is no difference to the iPad, it is the same iOS and same design ideas. You can talk to a Apple person at the shop and can give you more info.

deepak agrawal

those keyboards from the apple store


deepak agrawal

Harry X

alt text

deepak agrawal

alsan sharia

Published on Dec 23, 2012

This a quick video showing the iPad Mini when used with a wireless keyboard. In short I really like using the keyboard with the iPad Mini however lugging around an extra keyboard sucks. Thanks for watching a feel free to check out the other videos on my channel!

    Science & Technology 
    Standard YouTube License 

joy barma

Published on Dec 23, 2012

This a quick video showing the iPad Mini when used with a wireless keyboard. In short I really like using the keyboard with the iPad Mini however lugging around an extra keyboard sucks. Thanks for watching a feel free to check out the other videos on my channel!

    Science & Technology 
    Standard YouTube License 

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