What is The Difference between a VOLTAMETER and a VOLTMETER?


A VOLTA-METER is a device used to carry out electrolytes and a VOLTMETER is a high resistance device used for measuring potential difference or voltage between two points in an electrical Circuits. - See more at: http://www.electricaltechnology.org/2012/12/what-is-difference-between-volta-meter.html#sthash.fS8xqxky.dpuf

cool omar

A VOLTA-METER is a device used to carry out electrolytes and a VOLTMETER is a high resistance device used for measuring potential difference or voltage between two points in an electrical Circuits.

cool omar

A VOLTA-METER is a device used to carry out electrolytes and a VOLTMETER is a high resistance device used for measuring potential difference or voltage between two points in an electrical Circuits.

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