My kids are always fighting. How can I stop the sibling rivalry?

Mahadevan M S

Sibling rivalry is very common. The main reason for these conflicts is jealousy and competition between children. Parents can help to diminish this problem by not comparing one over the other on a regular basis. James Dobson says the three main areas to avoid doing this are physical attractiveness, intelligence and talents and abilities. Try to distribute praise and criticism as evenly as possible. Take time to spotlight the unique gifts and talents of each child. Try to know each child’s differences and how they think. Study them. Be aware of how your children may be bragging about themselves or attacking their siblings. This reveals how they are feeling about themselves. We must be sensitive to these clues so we can help minimize jealousy which will in turn minimize conflicts. Remember however that some small level of rivalry is normal.

alsan sharia

Published on Nov 25, 2013


Hi, I'm Shirley Solis, author of the bestselling book, Not Just Tacos and catalyst to help revive the family to live with joy, purpose and contribution. A few days ago, I released the second video in this series to help you learn how to build character and strong work ethics in your children. If you missed any of the previous videos, click the pause button and go watch it now...the feedback has been phenomenal and I wouldn't want you to miss it!

Today I want to talk to you about the #1 stress for parents with more than one child. Can you guess what it is? That's right...SIBLING RIVALRY. When our family traveled around the country providing resources and workshops to the homeschooling community, this was always the #1 question- 'how do we get our children to stop arguing?' Sibling rivalry not only brings chaos to the family, but it also leaves us exhausted emotionally and physically...with no real resolution, because round 2 is usually around the corner. Even worse is when the children fight in front of others...only to let others know you are not the perfect parent and your family is not the perfect family.

joy barma

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