Warranties and return policies for crowdfunded items & pre-orders?

Mahadevan M S

Crowdfunding changes things, but there are all kinds of consumer production laws that require ODMs handle warranties and returns in a certain way unless the sale is described as 'final'. Also, the state of CA is particularly strict on this stuff. Although, technically, none of this applies because crowdfunding is not a 'sale' it's a 'donation'.

That being said: a 30 day return policy and 90 day warranty support against defects seems like the minimally right thing to do.

joy barma

I'm not gonna argue about the price tag, i'm fine with that. I'd rather buy to play than pay to win. My question is that game is going to be released Late june, which is at least 7 months away. And the game will have 21 heroes. Which all have been revealed thus far. .....What are you guys exactly doing with the game for 7 months?

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