How do I check to see if there is an Android update?

Mahadevan M S

Maybe you bought your Android handset secondhand. Perhaps you’ve switched devices over time and are returning to your first smartphone. Whatever the case, you want to check to see if there’s a software update available. All this talk about Ice Cream Sandwiches and Jelly Beans is for a reason, right?

Each device is a bit different but many of them use the same tactics for software updates. And, if you’ve done it a time or two on one model, you’ll be able to figure it out on others. As you probably have guessed by now, you’ll start by opening up the app tray (usually an icon that looks like small squares) at the bottom of your phone and scroll until you see Settings.

In many cases, you’ll scroll to the very bottom of the menu until you see System update, Software update, or About phone. Your phone is designed to periodically check for updates so you may see something that references the last time it searched for an update. It’s possible that you may also see references to firmware, software, profiles, PRL, or general Android updates. It doesn’t hurt to check for updates on any or all of these.

alsan sharia

Published on Feb 11, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S4 got the Android Lollipop aka Android 5 update it was a 991 MB OTA update and I give you my initial impressions of Galaxy S4 after the Android L update, I got this update via OTA on Feb 11, 2015 in India.

You can get the Galaxy S4 now in India for a great price check

My other videos on the Samsung Galaxy S4

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joy barma

Published on Feb 15, 2013

Article: WARNING: Doing this deletes some app token data and some users have had trouble installing/updating apps as well. Try at your own risk!

If the app installing/updating problem happens to you, you can resolve the issue by removing and re-adding your Google account. To remove your Google account, go to settings, accounts, tap on the account you wish to remove, then menu and remove account.

In this video, I show you how to force an OTA update on your Android device. Basically, you check for an update in the same way you always have but first clear out the data in the Google Services Framework app so it resets and you're device thinks its never checked for an update before. You might have to do it a couple of times before it works.

NOTE: Your device has to have an update available for your specific model for this method to work. As in, if you have a Verizon Galaxy S3, you have to make sure Verizon's version has the update available.

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