How do I talk to customers and figure out if they’ll buy my product?

Mahadevan M S

Twitter is awesome! It's easy to meet up with people outside of Twitter. Abe and I met a cheesemonger on twitter and built a digital temperature controlled cheese vat for him. It was a very good time had by all and we got valuable feedback.

Teach a class! Nothing solidifies learning like teaching. Giving back always helps created a deeper understanding and helps you meet new people.

Make a rudimentary version of your product and have people vote with their dollars. For example Abe and I made DIY open-source hacker kits that allowed you to turn anything with a heating element into a sous vide machine!

joy barma

When you’re figuring out what products you’re going to share with the world, it’s always important to keep future products and spin-offs in mind. When your customers like Product A – your first offering – you can be sure they’re going to love Product B, and they’ll be on the lookout for Product C coming out. Simple as ABC, right? Today I’m going to teach you the ABCs of creating a product plan sooo good, it will have your clients clamoring for more.

My action item for you this week is to take a look at your current products and see how they fit into the ABC plan. Figure out which product fits into each category, and then ask yourself the questions we just talked about. OR, if you don’t already have 3 or more products, this is a perfect plan for starting from scratch. If you have any questions or want to share your product win, let me know in the comments section below.

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