Cell Phone Towers: What Could Be The Exact Problem?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

It has not yet been completely established that cell phones are really a danger but researchers are exploring the issue, and some have found strong links that say living in an area with cell phone towers with high frequency can cause cancer. According to a study conducted by Indian Thermal Analysis Society (ITAS), three cancer cases were found in the same building that lies opposite to a cell phone tower. All these three cases belong to Usha Kiran Apartments opposite to cellphone tower built on Vijay Apartments (Carmicheal Road, Mumbai, India). A prominent Indian daily Mid-day had carried an article on the issue of Usha Kiran Apartment residents suffering due to mobile towers.

Based on different case studies, the ITAS concluded that people living within 50 to 300-meter radius of cell phone towers are at higher risk of diseases due to electromagnetic radiation. This conclusion derives from the fact that in India, acceptable standard of radiation is 9.2Watt per square meter. For other countries, the “danger zone” is different – based on their acceptable standard of radiation. For the US, it is 580 – 1000 Micro-Watts per square centimeter. This translates that people living within 2 to 2.5 miles in the radius of cell phone towers are at risk of health hazards.

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