Why do beans and sprouts make you pass gas?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Sprouts and beans are hard to digest in the stomach and small intestine because our bodies cannot produce the enzymes needed to break down some of the chemical components they contain. These partially-digested foodstuffs then make their way into the colon where they can fuel a large-bowel bacterial banquet, with predictable effects.

alsan sharia

Published on Mar 2, 2015

Many people claim to have issues with beans. Because they are healthy (high in proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals) I try to give some answers as to why this happens and some things to consider when trying them or when one runs into problems.

Remember, eating whole foods, plant-based is a lifestyle, not an 8-week diet. Change your mindset to think long term asherance for optimum health. By eating plants, your body will thank you, the earth will thank you and the animals will thank you.

-Subscribers Appreciated! -Constructive Feedback and video ideas appreciated -Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. E-mail icramer11287@gmail.com Thank you for watching. Plants, for the win!

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joy barma

Uploaded on Dec 13, 2011

Every Christmas, one vegetable divides opinion � Brussels sprouts. Some of us love them, some of us hate them, but eating them can have some embarrassing consequences. In this Naked science Scrapbook, we find out why sprouts cause flatulence and what makes sprout-induced gas such an offensive addition to the Christmas table...More videos and podcasts from http://www.thenakedscientists.com

    Science & Technology 
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