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Marco Shuford

great post

joy barma

Published on Apr 10, 2015

Viewed in galleries and museums across the nation, Erin Hanson’s artwork was seen by thousands of art enthusiasts as the 2015 Indian Wells Arts Festival commemorative poster artist. Selected for her unique ability to transform landscapes into abstract mosaics of color and texture, Erin’s oil painting and Festival poster image captures the artist’s appreciation for the natural beauty found in Indian Wells, CA.

joy barma

Published on Apr 10, 2015

Viewed in galleries and museums across the nation, Erin Hanson’s artwork was seen by thousands of art enthusiasts as the 2015 Indian Wells Arts Festival commemorative poster artist. Selected for her unique ability to transform landscapes into abstract mosaics of color and texture, Erin’s oil painting and Festival poster image captures the artist’s appreciation for the natural beauty found in Indian Wells, CA.

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