Do we really know what dinosaurs looked liked or how they behaved?

Mahadevan M S

Putting a dinosaur skeleton together is not easy. It is often like putting together a very difficult jigsaw puzzle with many of the pieces missing or damaged. The skeletons are usually very incomplete. Many dinosaur fossils are discovered badly damaged. Bones are often found crushed or bent by the great weight of the dirt and rock above. Sometimes parts from different creatures are mixed together. This just adds to the confusion.

Some scientists have made complete pictures of dinosaurs based on just a single bone or tooth or leg. Such pictures are based on many guesses and very little facts. The scientists' ideas often turn out to be wrong when more facts are discovered.

Dinosaur fossils are not found with labels or photographs attached showing what the animals looked like. That is why no pictures of dinosaurs are exactly right. Every dinosaur painting is sure to contain at least some wrong information. No artist ever saw the living, breathing animals - complete with skin, flesh and color.

alsan sharia

Published on Aug 28, 2012


All of the Dinosaurs may not have been wiped out . . .

Among this vast wilderness, much of it unexplored, some believe there could be a monster that is a living relic, deep in the jungle. This huge creature is said to prowl the land, and lurk beneath inland waters. The natives call it Mukele Umbembe - One that stops the flow of rivers. It is a creature with a long neck and a snake like head. They say it has a body as big as an elephant with four legs, claw like feet and a long tail. - Most of these accounts suggest it is a semi-equatic animal, that spends most of its time in the rivers that run through the jungle. Could it be true?

joy barma

Published on Nov 18, 2014

Can we really reconstruct a dinosaur’s appearance from a bunch of million-year-old fossils? How?

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