Opinion who is gonna win the SUPER BOWL?

Design Universe

3 arguments why the Panters gonna win!!

Harry X

The Panters are cool! :)

joy barma

The Patriots and Seahawks weren't ranked number one....find out who voters ranked at the top of the list.

The Ranker voters have made their voices heard and these are teams that fans think will win Super Bowl 50. So what do you think?

You like the NFL. I bet you even have a favorite team. You can vote on this list at Ranker.com via the link below. Ranker is crowdsourced voting on just about everything, including who will win the biggest football game of the year. Who else isn't tired of the same old boring ESPN football analysis? Most of it is about fantasy football these days anyway. If you want the people's opinion, the FAN'S opinion on who will win Super Bowl 50 then head to Ranker.com and vote. What are your Super Bowl predictions? We've already heard what ESPN1stTake HD has to say, but we want your opinion! Who is your favorite to win Super Bowl

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