How to Become Famous

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Many people in the world are looking for a way to become famous and gain fame and fortune. Although many dream of reaching this goal, few are able to chase their dream far enough to make it a reality. Too many people give up on their dream too soon and do not want to take the necessary time and work that it may take to become famous. So if you want to be famous, you must be in it for the long haul and be prepared to work hard and to never give up. Once you have reached your goal and become famous, you will be able to reap the rewards of all of your hard work.


Do you want to out-cook Gordon Ramsay? Do you want to record duets with Beyonce or sell novels like J.K. Rowling? Selecting a fame-worthy career is the first step toward becoming famous. Artistic careers like music, acting, writing, or painting require one to build a 'business of one.' You'll have to sell yourself in any of these fields and build a name for yourself, which is some level of fame. If someone you've never met knows your name, that's a level of fame. We associate careers in the arts--actors and musicians--with 'fame,' but any public figure qualifies as famous. Politicians, football coaches, local business owners, and even weathermen are recognizable in the grocery store. Consider public service. Doctors, lawyers, and firemen can become locally or regionally famous for their deeds. You don't need to be Kanye West to consider yourself famous.

cool omar

Being respected by name and reputation alone? Turning heads as you walk down the street? Being asked for autographs? The public life of the famous seems glamorous and desirable for many of us. While some get lucky by accident, wikiHow can teach you how to take advantage of your opportunities to become famous, how you want to be famous: by doing what you love. Part 1 of 4: Building Talent 2 Be the best

3 Find mentors.

4 Be unique.

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