When was the computer developed?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

aying exactly when the computer came into existence is a little tricky because there were a number of devices and concepts that had to be invented first. The first computers, developed during World War II, were used for mathematical calculations. Although electronic computers have been in existence since then, people have always had a need to manage information and to solve problems. Early thinkers created a number of devices to evaluate information and to solve problems related to that information. One of the earliest known devices, the abacus, was a computational tool that was used to quickly add and subtract numbers. It has been in use in China for thousands of years and is still used in everyday transactions throughout the Far East.

alsan sharia

Published on Nov 17, 2014

CHM Exhibition 'Revolution: The First 2000 Years of Computing'

There are more than a dozen legitimate contenders to consider, all designers of unique, remarkable machines. But with facts and timelines clouded by controversy, contradictions, and intrigue, debate has raged in courtrooms and classrooms for decades. The answer may surprise you.

Catalog Number: 102695599 Lot Number: X6142.2011

    Science & Technology 
    Standard YouTube License 

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