how to cook using quinoa

ramona cha

AnjaExpert Lee

There are many ways to use quinoa in your cooking. I have seen quinoa rice pudding, quinoa fried rice, quinoa salad. Which recipes would you like to see? main dish? dessert?

ramona cha

i am interested in deserts and main course...want to substitute using white rice thanks

AnjaExpert Lee

You can substitute quinoa with rice by cooking quinoa with 1 part grain and 2 parts water.

Rice pudding is very yummy and you can make it by taking rinsed raw quinoa and:

  1. cook 1 cup quinoa with 3 cup milk 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract 1/4c of maple syrup pinch of salt
  2. stir frequently and cook for 30 minutes
  3. once thickened, remove from heat and allow to cool

Serve warm, or refrigerate!

Quinoa fried rice is just as it sounds! Mix with your favorite veggies and egg and cooked quinoa and you're done. I make mine with frozen peas or frozen mixed veggies

  1. cup quinoa with 2 parts water
  2. bring to a boil and reduce to simmer with half covered for 20 minutes
  3. scramble egg in another pan
  4. defrost veggies in microwave
  5. fluff the quinoa and mix ingredients together with some soy sauce or ketchup (my favorite)!

ramona cha

thanks, i will try the sweet version first thanks

joy barma

I am a 21 year old male who has no idea how to cook xD and this came out very good. Instead of turmeric (i didn't have any) I used half a cube of chicken broth. The taste was mamma mia!

joy barma

I am a 21 year old male who has no idea how to cook xD and this came out very good. Instead of turmeric (i didn't have any) I used half a cube of chicken broth. The taste was mamma mia!

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