Does alcohol kill brain cells every time you drink?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

The idea that alcohol kills brain cells has long been promoted. Drinking alcohol does not actually 'kill' brain cells. Roberta Pentney, professor of anatomy and cell biology at the University at Buffalo, concludes that alcohol does not kill brain cells but it damages the dendrites, the branched ends of nerve cells that bring messages into the brain cell causing damage to the way the cells in the brain communicate. Luckily the damage is largely reversible and not permanent. However years of alcohol abuse can cause serious neurological damage, including Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Svetlana Novikova

Just one observation of a drunken person is enough to convince you that alcohol directly affects the brain. People who drink enough to get drunk often end up with slurred speech and impaired motor skills and judgment, among other side effects. Many of them suffer from headaches, nausea and other unpleasant side effects afterward -- in other words, a hangover. But are a few drinks on the weekend, or even the occasional long drinking session, enough to kill brain cells? What about binge drinking or the frequent, sustained drinking of alcoholics?

wasif butt

Brain Myth: Drinking alcohol kills brain cells. Brain Fact: Moderate alcohol use doesn't kill brain cells, and while rampant alcohol use can damage the brain, it's not due to cell death. Does alcohol kill brain cells? You've probably heard this myth, but it's not really true.

alsan sharia

All Comments (11) Share your thoughts Van2Dan 2 months ago That's why it's important to go get help if u r an alcoholic. �

Kevin Patterson 10 months ago Ummm, I think the video provider really needs to look at the facts,,,the pharmacology, the real science and experiments, facts studied, and peer reviewed in several scientific journals...Just saying,, or just the deterioration mentally one can easily see from the impact of alcohol. From mild to severe brain damage on a person is apparent diminished mental and physical capacity all the way up to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff psychosis), alcoholic neuropathy, alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, alcoholic myopathy, fetal alcohol syndrome,alcohol withdrawal syndrome,dementia and other cognitive deficits and ..Who ever posted this please be advised people are seriously being ill informed by this ridiculous video...I will provide the following resources for your review...Hoping you know how to actually and professionally review a scientific report or for that matter understand how scientific reports are actually produced....Oh! by the way this is my profession..I have worked, studied, educated myself and provided

joy barma

Published on Oct 23, 2015

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Now, to qualify that title, pure alcohol will absolutely kill brain cells and many other types of cells, which is why it is used as a disinfectant. However, recent research has shown that the quantity of alcohol you could possibly take in, without killing yourself, does not introduce enough alcohol into your bloodstream to kill brain cells.

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