10 Steps to College Success

Mahadevan M S

1 Be in class. Being on time and maintaining good attendance are important. 2 Take notes. You cannot review the information that is being taught without class notes. 3 Turn work in on time. Start early on assignments and break them into smaller chunks. 4 Take pride in yourself and your work. Do quality work. If something is worth doing it is worth doing well. 5 Set educational and other goals. This will give you a purpose for going to school and this provides self-motivation. 6 Set aside enough time to study. To excel in college you need to study at least two hours for every hour you are in class. Do important assignments first. 7 Explain lessons to yourself. This is self-teaching. Read a paragraph in your text and then explain what you learned out loud in your own words. 8 Create practice quizzes and tests. Self-testing is powerful. Go through your class notes and textbook. 9 Focus your attention. Do not multi-task and divide your attention in class or while reading your textbooks. 10 Take care of your brain. Getting enough sleep, exercise, water and good nutrition are important for optimum brain functioning.

joy barma

Computer science grad working on masters in computer science.. Okay. For people in stem... This is what I have for you. Sacrifice everything. If college is not the worse 4 years of your life. The rest of your life will be. Work. Every. Single. Day. Take ten years off your life expectancy. Find the right people.. This is big. Hang out with the right people. This takes a degree of sense here. You need to hang out with the best if you want to be the best. Be honest. Suffer. Never give up. Study tips? Memorization? Nahhhhh.. Stem is about understanding, having passion, and kicking ass.

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