How are cruise ships steered? How do they navigate?

Mahadevan M S

A great question which I have been asked a few times is about how these large cruise ships are navigated. They do in fact have very sophisticated navigational systems and use radar as you might suspect, but the journey is also mapped manually. The ship can be navigated by auto-pilot for most of the journey, but 2 or more of the ship’s navigation team will normally be charting and monitoring the route.

When docking, the local harbour master will usually board the cruise ship and offer his or her expertise to the captain of the cruise ship. One of the most difficult parts of steering a cruise boat is when they are docking and for this, the captain will always tend to take manual control of the ship. When docking the ship and also when bringing the ship into port, do not be surprised if one of the crew are using binoculars to keep an eye out on any small boats and any other potential hazards.

alsan sharia

Uploaded on Dec 10, 2010 Jody learns that it takes 30 years to learn how to steer a ship like the Ms Noordam, on a cruise in the Mediterranean Welcome to the CNBC World TV Series Wine Portfolio Episode201 Mediterranean Cruise

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joy barma

Uploaded on Nov 10, 2009

Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas, is now just NE of Bermuda, and three days away from arriving home at Ft Lauderdale. Capt Wright provides tour of the bridge showcasing why Oasis of the Seas is the most technologically advanced ship in the world. Tour of Finland is also included.


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